It was 1996 and the alcopops were flowing, Oasis topped the charts and mobile phones were bigger than our cakes. It was around this time that two kids from different tribes bonded over a shared love of baking; a hippie skater (Tom) and a sports jock (Oliver) chatted all things epicurean in the playground, forming a lifelong friendship and lighting the fuse on what would become The Exploding Bakery. After finishing school and a brief hiatus for some toe-dipping into other professions, the smell of the oven proved too strong and the band reformed in 2011 with everything they needed: a few recipes, a second-hand oven and absolutely no clue about how to run a business. But there was a plan, of sorts, and it was a simple one: to provide great cakes to café’s, delis and anyone else who wanted a superior cake that tastes homemade. The plan hasn’t changed, and the cakes have just got better and better.